Kim K sending her lawyers to Mexicali..

This is the billboard que encontraras en Mexicali.  Kim Kardashia en el poster de un sirujano plastico.. with the slogan of “No Arriezgue Su Belleza, Ni Su Salud”

And although DJ Hife fromt he Get Up And Go mix with Raq C every morning M-F 8a-9a says that she can not sue cuz its in a whole other state.. ummm yeah Hife.. try a whole other COUNTRY tu turu!! lol.. Me and DJ Santarosa since we are smart say YEs Huh she HELLA can sue.

ANd she can.. ya anda en processo to unleash her lawyers to Mexicali.

TMZ had an awesome article lol.. where they said que los lawyers de Kim K are tryin to figure out como ir tras el sirujano without getting be-headed lmao!! 

According to TMZ.. ellos llamaron y hablaron con el sirujano where they asked if he had gotten el permiso de Kim K para ponerla en el poster y el les respondio que claro que no via hablado con ella el no tenia su numero and then followed it by him telling them he was going to call la policia y les colgo.

Are you #TeamHife or #TeamPeezy&Santarosa??  Can Kim K sue even if its in Mexico??

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